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GG4S - perseus v2

προϊόντα - ανακοινώσεις - εκδηλώσεις - προσωπικές σκέψεις

Amadeus RDA - RTA - RDTA - SQUONK and more, the worldwide first squonk tank by Golden Greek

Amadeus dripper and tank is the one and only machine in the market that can do simply everything. Ask GG Amadeus to do what you need and Amadeus will do it for you.

GG Amadeus is the new construction from Golden Greek that carries the ability to be transformed to a tank with a simple move and much more capabilities! That makes Amadeus an RTA atomizer, an RDA atomizer, an RDTA atomizer, a Squonk atomizer and a dripper!

Features of Amadeus dripper and tank:

  • You can raise the whole e-cig by keeping it from Amadeus' body and you are still safe to go because of the internal channel inside the body that allows the last of the 3 o-rings to tight the body on base.

  • Regular pin.

  • BF pin.

  • Change from regular pin to BF pin with or without tools.

  • BF pin is closed on its top to avoid any liquid in unpleasant places.

  • BF pin sends liquid directly to the 4 legs of the wick and not just to the bottom of the deck.

  • Ability to change air pins without tools, without destroying the resistance, without interfering with liquid, and even without opening the deck, for the exactly right way of vaping.

  • Easy way to clean any gurgling by unscrewing the base, without the use of tools or blowing air from the drip tip creating a mess.

  • Ability for MTL with 1 wire, MTL with 2 wires, MTL with 1 wire and only bottom air, MTL with 1 wire and only side air, MTL with 2 wires and only bottom air, MTL with 2 wires and only side air, DTL with 1 wire, DTL with 2 wires, DTL with 1 wire and only bottom air, DTL with 1 wire and only side air, DTL with 2 wires and only bottom air, DTL with 2 wires and only side air, DTL with side and bottom air at the same time.

  • Ability to move posts closer for MTL wires, meaning great taste because of the short legs of the wire.

  • Adjustable bottom and side air on MTL and DTL vaping.

  • You will get one more tube for even better MTL vaping. As you may know, a ring can't really seal air holes.

  • 1 cone after 1 curve on cap for super extra taste.

  • Removable and replaceable spitback protection.

  • Ability to add one more spitback protection.

  • Ability to replace spitback protection with mesh.

  • No reason to search matching the wire with the side air holes. The body goes automatically to the right place, exactly in the middle of the wire.

  • Flavor exactly to your needs because of the 3 ways that air hits the wire (bottom, side, both).

  • Very easy to transform it to tank with just a simple pull of the RDA body and by a simple push of the tank to the base.

  • Tank carries liquid control.

  • Ability to add extra liquid capacity with an extension tube.

  • Ability to add the extended liquid capacity without tools and without emptying the tank.

  • Ability for BF on tank mode.

  • You can close the liquid control of the tank and squeeze from bottle. That way you can taste different liquids. Or, you can simply push some nicotine from your squonker in specific hours during the day, while the rest of the day you vape with lower nicotine or without nicotine.

  • Ability to feed only the one leg of every wick.

  • Side-air holes are not part of the deck and not even in the same row with the wire, to avoid leakage when you put your mod in side position.

  • It vapes even if the bottom air pin is put in 180 angle in single wire mode with reduced smoke in case you need to go invisible.

  • If you see any gurgling it's because you didn't put the wick the right way. But don’t worry just close the liquid control.

  • Some people thought that the construction was chrome plated. The dream of people to make steel looks like chrome is done!

24mm in width (RDA mode)

28mm in height (RDA mode)

46mm in height (5ml mode)

37mm in height (2ml mode)


It is a Golden Greek atomizers and mods construction, vape it, you deserve it!

Οι επαγγελματίες του ατμίσματος

ατμοποιητές - συσκευές - υγρά αναπλήρωσης



Ο μοναδικός τρόπος για να προβλέψεις το μέλλον, είναι να το δημιουργήσεις.

Ιδιαίτερες ευχαριστίες στον Lee για την υποστήριξή του όλα αυτά τα χρόνια μέσω του ιστολογίου του με φωτογραφίες και ειδήσεις χρηστών σχετικά με τα GG. Στον Ariel για την ενημέρωση του GG Wiki και για τις προσπάθειές του σχετικά με τους σειριακούς αριθμούς των GG κατασκευών.

Στον Philgood για τη συνεχή υποστήριξή του, εξετάζοντας με τον καλύτερο τρόπο τα προϊόντα GG. Στον Nudelholz για τις υπέροχες φωτογραφίες του. Στον Gerhard Grozurek για τη συνεχή υποστήριξή του. Στους υπόλοιπους εξαιρετικούς κριτικούς όπως οι Qorax Stan, George Batareykin, VarosVapor, Scott, Dirk Oberhaus, Mike Godwin, Klaus Jedelsky, Nikos Babasidis και σε πολλούς άλλους. Στον Gekka για τη φανταστική του ιδέα για το Cybrillion και τα φοβερά κινούμενα σχέδιά του. Στους πωλητές μας που κάνουν ό, τι μπορούν για να παρέχουν ποιοτικές υπηρεσίες. Στο ECF για την υποστήριξή του τα τελευταία 11 χρόνια και φυσικά σε όλους τους χρήστες GG που αγαπούν και υποστηρίζουν τη γραμμή "GG Atomizers και Mods" όπως Runar, Frank, Ottelo, Hernan, Froy, Gino, Fotis, Didio, Τσουρέκας Βασίλειος και πολλούς άλλους. Από την πλευρά μας, είμαστε και θα είμαστε πάντα εδώ για όλους εσάς και να είστε βέβαιοι ότι θα φτιάχνουμε πάντα: "Τις μεγαλύτερες καινοτομίες γιά τους μεγαλύτερους ατμιστές".

Ιδιοκτησία © 2009-22 Golden Greek L.T.D. ™ | Όλα τα δικαιώματα διατηρούνται

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