Golden Greek and Froy

Updated: Nov 14, 2023

Froy was one of our partners. He was a very close friend of Hernan and a very good friend of mine as well. We had met enough times on vapexpos and I have to say that he was a very friendly guy. More than friendly, he was an awesome person that I was proud to call him my friend.

I was shocked when Hernan informed me about his death. I thought he was joking. I just couldn't believe what I was reading.
49 years old.

There are no words to describe the feeling. What we need in those situations is silence. Silence and deep thoughts about ourselves, who we are and how we live our lives.
Life is a bitch for us that we are still here because we miss Froy. He is in a way better place and we are happy for him but we still miss him.
It's one of the saddest days of my life.

Be well Froy, buddy, and thank you for your friendship. I am so glad that I met you. Please stay always a Golden Greek guy.

Stay strong buddy!

froy and golden greek

Froy and Golden Greek

froy and golden greek

Golden Greek and Froy